GALS MS Newsletter
Fall '23/24 | Issue 3

September 5, 2023


We are halfway through the First Quarter...

And wow, are students learning!  Classrooms have been abuzz with academic discourse and collaboration, the hallways are full of student work, and our first official progress reports went out yesterday.  In the midst of it all, we are of course still finding time to play, celebrate growth - make sure to ask your student how much their mile time has improved from the start of the year - and relish our time in community together. 

Some important notes this week: 

  • Students need to return their signed progress reports to their wellness squad leaders by Thursday (9/21) - we want to make sure that you know how they are doing.  We had a few system errors in printing this round that caused confusion, so please know:

    • If your student has a course listed on their progress report that they have never been in or are no longer in, please ignore it - this is an error!

    • If your student has a course listed twice, it is because they have two teachers for that class - we are working to fix this for next time.

  • If your student has an elective in Period A, they will be asked next week if they would like to opt into a new elective on contemporary social movements for Quarter 2.  This is a new offering, if you have questions please reach out to for more information. 

Here's what is coming up in the next few weeks!


What’s Happening:


September 20

GALS Grading Virtual Office Hours

Join us from 7:30-8:00AM on Zoom if you have any questions about grading at GALS!

September 20 

Wellness Squad Sorting Ceremony

Each year, we “sort” our wellness squads into four different groups (like Harry Potter houses!) who compete throughout the year for pride & prizes. Our sorting ceremony this year will be from 8:30-9:15, be sure to ask your student about it afterwards!

September 20 

Thriving Together Student Assembly

Students will participate from 9:20-10:20AM in the first of three interactive workshops designed to challenge them in discovering how they show up in their school community and support one another as mentors, peers, and allies. The goal of this work is to create the inclusive & equitable culture students want to see moving forward at GALS. To learn more about the amazing facilitators of these workshops, please check them out at and

September 21

GALS Grading Virtual Office Hours

Join us from 12:00-12:30PM on Zoom if you have any questions about grading at GALS!

September 22

No School for Students

Staff Professional Development

September 23

Girls in Aviation Day

This Saturday, United Airlines is hosting a Girls in Aviation Day from 9AM-3PM and GALS students have been invited to participate! Click HERE for more information, and contact if you are interested.

September 25

GALS Board Meeting

GALS Board meetings are open to the public, please join us anytime you’d like.  This meeting is on Zoom from 6:00-8:00PM. 

September 26

School Accountability Committee Meeting

The School Accountability Committee is designed to elicit parent and family feedback on GALS programs, practices, and initiatives.  We want to hear your voice - please join us in person at GALS from 5:30-7:00PM and reach out to with any questions.

September 27

Shakespeare in the Parking Lot

For the third year in a row, students will have the opportunity to see street theater performed in our very own parking lot!  Professional actors from DCPA will be here performing Romeo and Juliet - students will have a slightly different schedule to accommodate the performance.

October 2

October Count Day

It is critical that all students attend school - if possible - on October 2nd!  This is October Count day, which determines the total number of students enrolled at GALS and allows us to receive funding for our programming.  Encourage your student to be here, and on time, all day!

October 6

Final Mile Run

You’re invited to join us from 8:40-10:00 as we run our final mile of the year and see how much our students have grown! This will be a real celebration - come to dance, cheer, or run with your student.  We’ll meet on the field at 8:40.

October 9

Picture Day

Info coming soon, students will be able to dress as their own unique selves (so long as it is school appropriate).

October 9

Fall ExtravaGALSa

For the third year in a row, we will host a fall carnival celebration for students & families from 8:30-10:00AM!  Look for more information - including how to get involved - coming soon from 

Please never hesitate to reach out to us.  Our staff contact list can be found HERE, and your student's wellness squad coach is your number one contact for any questions and needs you might have.  

In partnership, 

Ms. Bock