Enrollment & Admissions

Enrollment Overview

At GALS Denver, our mission is to empower young women and students to succeed academically, lead confidently, live boldly, and thrive physically. We achieve this through an innovative educational model that focuses on physical and embodied movement (yes, even in the classroom), mental health and social-emotional development, and positive gender studies...all of which simultaneously works hand-in-hand with AND sets the stage for our powerful academics.

The GALS curriculum and culture provide for deeply personalized experiences and environments, allowing students to develop deep content knowledge and practice skills that will serve them in becoming their most authentic selves in the world.

The aim of our enrollment programming is no different. We want to provide prospective families with the most informed, authentic experience possible so that you and your student can make the best possible decision for their future. 

How to Enroll


Schedule a Call, Tour, Shadow Day, & More

Initial Questions? Spend some time exploring our website, or schedule a call with our team! If you and your student would like to join us for a tour, sign up for a shadow day or attend an evening info session, then please fill out our Enrollment Visit Registration form.

If you have any questions, please contact our enrollment specialist, reilly.selinger@galsdenver.org. To learn more about which visit is best for you, or to view our available visitation dates, please scroll down.



Complete the DPS School Choice Application

Whether GALS is your top & only choice—or we're somewhere else in the mix—you'll need to complete a SchoolChoice application.

The DPS SchoolChoice Application for Round 1 is now closed. SchoolChoice Round 2 opens on April 8th and ends on August 29th at 4PM.

While Round 1 is a closed, lottery-based application period, Round 2 operates on a rolling, waitlist-style basis. Applications are accepted based on space available in the respective school for the upcoming school year, and students are sent offers as space opens up.


Accept Your Offer & Stay in Touch

Once you've landed at the school of your dreams (hopefully that's GALS,) you'll begin to receive communications from DPS and your new school. At GALS, we hold a spring welcome night for new families, followed by reminder emails throughout the summer for all the important dates coming up in the fall.

It's also important to note that as a smaller school, we intentionally design our back-to-school programming (registration, class selections, IEP conversations, etc.) to happen much closer to the start of the school year (and in some cases, during the first week of school), but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions over the summer!

Get to know us!

Schedule a Call

Questions about which visit is the best fit for you? Would you like to learn more about our school before seeing it? Chat with our enrollment specialist at any point in the process.



See the school in action, join us for an hour-long school tour, providing parents and students the chance to ask questions and learn more about GALS!

Info Session

Info session attendees will learn about GALS school day, culture, and how we support all students to achieve high levels of academic success and personal growth through a sit-down presentation and Q&A. This event is appropriate for both parents and students and does include a tour.


 We invite your student to join us for a school day shadowing a GALs ambassador to see first hand what we're all about! This is a half day (8AM-1PM) commitment and includes a brief tour at the beginning for parents and guardians if you can attend.

Upcoming Visit Dates

Coming Soon
Tour Dates, Shadow Days and Info Sessions for SchoolChoice Round 2 will resume beginning on April 8th, 2025.

Register for a Visit


As the first and only tuition free, public, all-girls+ college preparatory schools in Denver and Colorado, we're truly one of a kind.

Where do our families live?

As one of the most diverse charter schools in Colorado, GALS is proud to be home to students from all over the metro area and front range. 

Read more about our car pooling program

Our Model