GALS MS Newsletter
Fall '23/24 | Issue 4

October 3, 2023

Quarter 1 End, Fall Celebrations, and Conferences

Friday marks the end of the first quarter of the 23/24 school year, and that means it is time for our annual fall events!  We would love for you to join us for the final mile run (Friday, 10/6) and the Fall ExtravaGALSa (Monday, 10/9) this week.  See more details about how you can participate in both events if you can!

Additionally, next week is fall conferences. This is an important opportunity for your student to share their work and learning with you, and for you to meet with your student and their teachers to discuss their academic progress. Our expectation is that all students attend conferences with at least one parent or guardian. Your student should have given you a scheduling preference form last week, and their wellness squad leader will be in touch with you by Thursday, 10/5 to confirm a time. If you need to reschedule or have questions, please reach out to us!

Important notes this week: 

  • Checking Student Grades 

To learn how to check your student’s grades in Illuminate, use this how-to guide.  Students receive two grades in each class per week (and one grade for GALS series).  Please reach out to your student’s teachers directly with any questions. 

  • Fall Literacy Challenge

Students are three weeks into our fall literacy challenge, where they are competing to see which ELA class and which grade level can read the most at home. You’ve probably seen their reading logs for ELA homework - encourage them to read as much as possible before the end of the quarter so that they can claim victory and earn a dress down day or pizza party with their class. And, be sure to ask what they’re reading!

  • Social-Emotional Screening

We are administering the BESS (Behavioral and Emotional Screening System) to all students from 10/2/22-10/6/22 during a portion of their GALS Series time. This is a brief social emotional screener that helps us identify and respond to social emotional needs that may not be apparent through our daily interactions with students. The survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete and is completed online.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Stacey Bennington (

Here's what is coming up!


What’s Happening:


October 6

Final Mile Run

Join us on Friday, October 6th from 8:45-10:00am to cheer on our students as they run the GALS mile course & cross the finish line one last time this year. Please feel free to bring props, wear costumes, or lace up your sneaks to partake in the final mile. Meet on the turf upon arrival. 

Grade level heat times:

6th Grade Start Time-- 8:45

7th Grade Start Time-- 9:10

8th Grade Start Time-- 9:35 

October 9

Picture Day

Picture Day is Monday, October 9th! Students may dress as their own unique selves for the day, as long as they are school appropriate. For more information - including how to order pictures for your student - see the flier linked here.

October 9

Fall ExtravaGALSa

For the third year in a row, we will host a fall carnival celebration for students & families from 8:30-10:00am! Students will play carnival games and nosh on fall treats in celebration of their hard work. 

Parent help is very appreciated--interested in donating food, supplies or time to the event? Please use the sign up link here

October 11-13

Fall Conferences

Fall Conferences Schedule: 

  • Wednesday, October 11th: | Dismissal at 1:45pm (regular Wednesday schedule, then scheduled conferences)

  • Thursday, October 12th | No School (scheduled conferences only)

  • Friday, October 13th | No School (scheduled conferences only)

  • Monday, October 16th | No School

October 16

No School 

Enjoy your long weekend!


Please never hesitate to reach out to us.  Our staff contact list can be found HERE, and your student's wellness squad coach is your number one contact for any questions and needs you might have.  

In partnership, 

Ms. Bock