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May 12, 2021

GALS as an Incubator for Women Leaders in Entrepreneurship

By Dr. Ali Hill (Current GALS Parent)

Our family moved to Denver in June 2015. Within two months of our arrival, I was introduced to Liz Wolfson, the co-founder of GALS. I toured GALS with Liz and fell in love with the school. Our daughter was about to start first grade, so I had to wait a bit to become a GALS parent. In the meantime, I served as a volunteer for the school, attended fundraisers, and did whatever I could to stay connected.

In 2020, our daughter started as a sixth-grader, and we’re so glad we chose GALS. Why? Because GALS is the school for girls and young women in Denver. With emphasis on academics, athletics, and emotional intelligence, GALS offers students a strong foundation in everything they need to succeed. It prepares students to become the leaders we need to remake our world.

As a business woman and entrepreneur, I find GALS’ approach particularly noteworthy for future women entrepreneurs.

Centering Themselves in the Narrative

At GALS, students are given the foundational skills they need to take risks. GALS teaches students how to center themselves in the narrative, which is critical to entrepreneurial success—before you have a recognizable brand, people will hire your firm because they want to work with you. GALS teaches young women to be credible, relatable, and vulnerable in their work, while using empathy to connect with others. These skills enable students to play their own game, which increases their chances of entrepreneurial success. 

Who Gets to Be an Entrepreneur?

Words matter. Using the term “entrepreneur” signals that we’re starting something new, and that we’re in charge. It lets others know we have a vision and goals that stem from a personal passion, and we’re ready to do the hard work it takes to succeed. 

Whether our work focuses on something we love, something we’d love to change, or something in between, entrepreneurship is about taking calculated risks, solving problems, celebrating successes, managing failures, and making money. 

Why Aren’t More Women Entrepreneurs?

Concepts like “security” and “safety” form the foundation of what many girls are taught to aspire to and value, in all aspects of their lives. From when we’re young, girls and women are told to be careful more than we’re told to be brave—to “watch for danger” rather than “look for opportunity.” This often translates into women defining professional success as “getting a good job,” rather than “creating meaningful work.” This, in turn, prevents many women from pursuing entrepreneurship.

The GALS Advantage

GALS helps students embrace this idea: “I’ll take that leap off a cliff—and the person I become will catch me.” 

Entrepreneurship is one of the most exhilarating leaps you can take in your professional life. Every day, GALS students are being prepared to jump—and to lead others into an economy and society that benefits us all.

Dr. Ali Hill, MPA, is a sociologist, business leader, entrepreneur, and proud mom of a GALS sixth grader. She can be reached at or  

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