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Enrichment Clubs & Activities

2025 Clubs and Activities

GALS offers a variety of clubs and activities for our students. Details for each activity are listed below. 

Visit Student Athletics and Thunder TheatreWorks for more information on sports and theatre programs.

Film Club

Led by Noah Jackson

Classes will be held on Mondays starting January 13.

Cost: $65

Junior International Thespian Society

Led by Amanda Flageolle/Thunder TheatreWorks 

Classes will be held on Tuesdays starting February 18.

Cost: $75

Theater Tech Class

Led by Amanda Flageolle/Thunder TheatreWorks

Classes will be held on Wednesdays starting on February 19.

Cost: $135

Climbing Club

Led by Women's Wilderness/Jess Demink

Classes will be held on Thursdays starting on February 27th.

Cost: $275

Girls' Empowerment Workshop

Led by Boulder Student Group (Q3 ONLY)

Classes will be held on Friday starting on January 17.

Cost: $45

There will be no classes on the following dates:

January 20
February 13-17
March 3
March 24-April 1
May 2
May 26

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