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February 23, 2021

Meet a GALS Teacher: Danielle Ennis

By Alex Jimenez

1) Tell us about yourself! Where are you from? What brought you to GALS?

I grew up on the East Coast, where I dreamed of being the first female baseball player to play on the moon. 

Back on Earth, in 2012 I moved to Winter Park, Colorado to teach youth ski & ride lessons, and then to Denver, where I began an internship with 5280 magazine. After that, I swam in the deep seas of uncertainty in my twenties, working various jobs and substitute gigs before I found GALS and landed on shore.

The hallways, classrooms, and movement of GALS remind me of the pace and pulse of the East Coast life I loved and missed. Then, the joy, the care, and the purpose of play was so tangible. I feel lucky to have discovered a place that represents my spirit so well.

2) Tell us about teaching at GALS. What grade and subject do you teach?

I teach 7th grade Language Arts. The subject—because I love the art of storytelling. The grade—because I’ve always been drawn to chaos more than order, and 7th graders are anything but routine. 

I also run the Magazine Club and the Skate Club, as well as coach basketball and lacrosse. Over the past few years, coaching has become one of my deepest passions. Returning to the court to lead middle school hoops after this pandemic hiatus has been nothing short of happiness.  

3) What are the top three adjectives you’d use to describe yourself—and why would you choose those three?

Gregarious. When I was a middle schooler, “socializing hampers progress” frequented my report card remarks. I have always derived my energy from people.

Optimistic. I am (sometimes naively) hopeful about situations around me. The squirrel will find its acorn, the pizza crust will be cooked enough, the people in pain will be okay, students will smile on their worst days.

Playful. I think, sometimes, playing is the best way to remove ourselves from all the worry in the world.

4) Outside of school, what are your favorite things to do?

I love the feeling of something under my feet—rollerblades, skis, skateboard, pogo stick, skimboard. I love to play sports, watch sports, read and write about sports, and learn new sports. 

As much as I love perusing my sports closet for a day at the park, I also love to sleep in. I love to sing and dance, and I love the moments when I can strike up a conversation with a stranger at a restaurant. I love meals and am enthused by the company they bring. 

I absolutely love talking with and spending time with my family. In the rare times I spend in solitude, I love to write. 

5) In your opinion, what’s the best thing about being a GALS teacher?

The whole-school spontaneous dance parties we’ve had in the gym before first period, the karaoke in the cafetorium, the noise that sounds the hallways when the bell rings, the projects that students complete, the lessons my coworkers create. 

Ultimately, when the day closes, my cup is full.

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