Financial Transparency
GALS Denver Title IX Information:
Title IX Coordinator: Dolores Schaack, dolores.schaack@galsdenver.org, 303-282-6437, 750 Galapago Street, Denver 80204
GALS Denver Statement of Non-Discrimination:
GALS Denver expressly prohibits any form of employee, student, or constituent harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, gender, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender expression, or any other status protected by federal, state or local law. Improper interference with the ability of GALS Denver employees to perform their expected job duties is not tolerated. Harassment may include, but is not limited to, derogatory, vulgar or offensive comments or jokes, and distribution of written or graphic material containing such comments or jokes. Harassment also includes hostile work environment situations, where an individual makes the work environment uncomfortable for a co-worker through various explicit, or non-explicit, discriminatory actions.
Any person may submit questions and/or file a complaint with the recipient’s Title IX Coordinator or with the Office for Civil Rights.
GALS Denver Title IX Grievance Policy (please see the Family Handbook for full complaint policies not related to Title IX):
If you experience any GALS Denver related harassment based on your sex, gender, race, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender expression or another factor protected by law, believe that you have been treated in an unlawful, discriminatory manner, or witness the discrimination of a co-worker or community member, promptly report the incident to either your supervisor (if employee), the Title IX Coordinator listed here, or to the Executive Director. Complaints will be investigated promptly. Your complaint will be kept confidential to the extent possible.
GALS prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee or community member for filing a complaint under this policy or for assisting in a complaint investigation.
GALS Denver will also offer support services to a complainant or victim of harassment whether this person files a formal complaint or exposes an informal complaint.
Complainants will be notified once evidence has been gathered and given 10 days to respond. Investigations will occur in the most timely manner as possible.