Exceptional Student Services(IEPs, 504s, GT/HGT, MLLs)
Students who receive supplementary learning services at GALS do so in an inclusive environment. It is our belief (and research shows) that students of all ability levels learn better when they are together. This means that whenever possible, we bring services to students rather than bringing students to services. An added beauty of our very inclusive model is that all students (not just those identified) benefit from the intense collaboration and expertise sprinkled across all settings throughout our building!
IEP (Individualized Education Plan)
Students who have IEPs are assigned a case manager who oversees their service planning. Case managers work closely with the IEP team (including the student and guardian) to make sure that supports are fluid and consistent across settings. At GALS, you will find these case managers on the field, in the cafeteria, throughout the hallways and across academic settings. In addition to case managers, school psychologists, paraprofessionals, and speech, occupational, and physical therapists make frequent appearances across environments. One highlight of our IEP programming is our check-in/check-out system for students who benefit from intensive support. This system adds extra eyes and ears to our students' daily experience and ensures a strong home/school partnership.
504 Plans
504 plans at GALS are coordinated by our school psychologists, who collaborate with families and teachers to ensure that accommodations are impactful and streamlined, and that they feel natural for the students receiving them. Some of the most common accommodations include extended time, use of a calculator, text-to-speech, and audiobooks. It's wonderful when teachers and students discover that reading by ear or writing by voice can enhance learning for everyone!
GT/ALP (Advanced Learning Plan):
Students with advanced learning plans are no exception to our full inclusion model. Rather than meeting for a separate class with other gifted learners, their support plans are communicated to all teachers and implemented in small ways across settings. Whether they have general intellectual giftedness or a specific area of advanced aptitude, students' enrichment needs are met through consultation and collaboration. As well as support in the classroom, gifted students have access to a weekly lunch club, "ask a professor series", Odyssey of the Mind competitions (MS only), as well as other extracurricular opportunities. GALS' inclusive model is particularly helpful for students who have both enrichment and intervention needs (twice exceptional or 2E learners) because the holistic approach recognizes and addresses both strengths and areas for growth simultaneously.
Students identified as a Multilingual Learner (MLL), will receive additional support in developing their English language skills. All students, whether identified as an MLL or not, have access to rigorous, grade-level academic content instruction.
GALS practices English as a Second Language Program. This includes a 45-minute daily period dedicated to building a strong foundation to learn how to listen, read, speak and write in English, called English Language Development (ELD). GALS MS practices the co-teaching model, and GALS HS practices direct instruction of ELD.
Students who come to us speaking another language as multilingual learners (MLLs) bring a valuable resource to our community. We believe their unique perspectives and life experiences are beneficial for all to learn from. All MLL students are progress monitored by our instructional services advisory team at given checkpoints throughout the year, and we have additional language focused teachers who offer instructional support in the classroom. Additionally, we train all staff on best practices for supporting language learners.
Our students our well known, and well held.
By being an active partner in your student’s education, you will help prepare your student for success in school and life. We hope that you will continue to talk and read with your students in your language at home. Speaking your language at home will give your student the foundation to learn in school, and young people who graduate speaking two or more languages will have more and better job opportunities after graduation.
GALS Denver serves students with disabilities and multilingual learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law. GALS Denver participates in the Denver Public Schools SchoolChoice system and we encourage all students to apply.