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Enrichment Clubs & Activities

2025 Clubs and Activities

GALS offers a variety of clubs and activities for our students. Details for each activity are listed below. 

Visit Student Athletics and Thunder TheatreWorks for more information on sports and theatre programs.

Mondays: Climbing Club

Led by Women's Wilderness/Jess Demink

Classes will be held every Monday from January 13 to May 19.

Cost: $275

Tuesdays: Junior International Thespian Society

Led by Amanda Flageolle/Thunder TheatreWorks 

Classes will be held on Tuesdays from January 14 to May 27.

Cost: $75

Wednesdays: Theater Tech Class

Led by Amanda Flageolle/Thunder TheatreWorks

Classes will be held on Wednesdays from January 13 to May 28.

Cost: $135

Thursdays: Film Club

Led by Noah Jackson

Classes will be held on Thursdays from January 16 to May 22.

Cost: $65

Fridays: Why I Love Myself: Girls’ Empowerment with CU Boulder Business Students

Led by Boulder Student Group (Q3 ONLY)

Classes will be held on Friday from January 17 to March 14,

Cost: $45

There will be no classes on the following dates:

  • Monday, January 20
  • Thursday, February 13 - Monday February 17
  • Monday, March 3
  • Monday March 24 - Tuesday April 1
  • Friday, May 2
  • Monday, May 26
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