School Communications & Newsletters


Looking for newsletters? Once enrolled at GALS, keep an eye out for your weekly newsletter. You will automatically be subscribed, and can unsubscribe at anytime.

School Communications

GALS communicates regularly with families in a number of ways.  

  • During the school year, GALS Heads of School send out a weekly newsletter in English and Spanish to all families.  If you are not getting this communication, please email your head of school directly. 
  • GALS uses the DPS “robocall” or text/email/phone messaging system to alert families and caregivers of time sensitive events and information, such as snow days, emergency alerts, or upcoming events. You select your preference for these messages during registration in the fall.  
  • GALS has a private Facebook Group for families and caregivers.
  • Call the front office! Have a question? Please feel free to reach out to the front office at any time; 303-282-6437 or 
  • You can also reach out to your student’s teachers directly via email. All GALS staff are available to be reached through their GALS email.  All staff have emails of
  • HERE is our Staff page listing all staff. 

DPS Parent Portal

Denver Public Schools has a parent portal where you can view your student’s schedule and grades as well as register your student and select your DPS communication preferences. You can access the DPS Parent Portal HERE

GALS Illuminate Portal 

GALS Middle School uses Illuminate as our grades & report card platform. HERE are instructions for how to log in and set up an account! Please note if you are new to GALS, your student won’t be active until they are fully scheduled, which will be on the first day of school or later.  

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