Playwright's Showcase 2025 Tickets On Sale Now!
...for the 2025 Playwright's Showcase Performances!!
Come and see the plays written by Moriko Griffin, Shar Huggans, Sage Ostrander, Valentina Roman, JAIDAH Stevenson, and Ezrie Warner on February 27-28 at 6:00!
Get your tickets TODAY at
A special shout-out to Moriko Griffin and Sage Ostrander -- out of 119 plays, they were both selected to be in the TOP TEN FINALISTS for the DCPA'S HIGH SCHOOL PLAYWRITING COMPETITION!!
Colorado Thespian Conference
Congratulations to our Performers at ThesCon 2024!
Middle School Good Ratings:
Seneca Busick
Akira Gillam & Dara Campbell
Birdie Strickland & Gabi Endres
Middle School Excellent Ratings:
Brynn Kopera
Alice Hawes
Alex McMahon
Aneeya Charles & Yeaniva Williams
Goldye Rossini
High School Excellent Ratings:
Genesis Calderon-Soto - Solo
Yaneth Montenegro - Monologues
Valentina Roman - Solo
Moriko Griffin - Solo
Dysnomia Kelley - Solo
We were one of EIGHT teams called back from the original 25 that performed in the showdown!
Thistle Blossoms, our one act play! That means we're in the TOP THREE in the ENTIRE STATE OF COLORADO!
Technical Theatre Class
Our tech class was a blast, and we'll be back in the spring!
Join us starting Wednesday January 15.
Who: GALS students grades 6-12
How: Fill out this form, and plan to attend this Wednesday!
Spring Improv
Directed by Amanda Flageolle
Flares Improv - Grades 9-12
Sparks Improv - Grades 6-8
All Auditions on March 19; Performs April 24-26
More details to come.
International Thespian Society Troupe #8652
Grades 6-8 - Tuesdays 4:05-5:00
Grades 9-12 - Thursdays 12:25-1:00